Modern slavery 1 in 4 victims of modern slavery is a child
Children have the right to be protected
On the move as refugees, separated from their families, recruited as child soldiers, forced to do undignified work, experiencing violence in their social environment in general or at home: millions of children are at risk of exploitation, violence, neglect and abuse. We do everything we can to ensure that all children are protected - no matter who they are or where they grow up.
Child protection in crises and armed conflicts
426 million children worldwide live in wars and conflicts. But not only has the number of children living in conflict areas increased by 30 million in the last two years. The extent and intensity of the violence to which these children are exposed is also constantly increasing.
In emergency situations, children are exposed to both physical and mental distress, which negatively affects their short and long-term development. It is our task to protect these children.
Projects in child protection
Learn more about our projects in child protection.
We help when children need us most
We do everything we can to ensure that the world's most disadvantaged children grow up healthy, learn and are protected. Every donation counts and is used where help is needed most urgently.