Information about the partnership
Save the Children has had a global healthcare partnership with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) since 2013. The aim is to reduce child mortality from preventable diseases and thus help save millions of children's lives.
Sadaa attends a girls' club at her school, which enables girls and boys to talk openly about female issues, from child marriage and FGM to hygiene and menstruation.
Health programmes in Africa
Around 6 million children under the age of five die worldwide from preventable or easily treatable diseases. That is why GSK supports our health programs for the most vulnerable communities in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We provide life-saving medicines and combat malnutrition. By training local health workers, we strengthen local health systems.
We provide life-saving medicines and combat malnutrition. By training local health workers, we strengthen local health systems.
Provide expertise
In emergency situations, such as for example catastrophes, GSK provides us with teams of experts, who can provide medical emergency aid within 72 hours. In addition, we are working with GSK at the political level to promote universal health care.
Joint product development
GSK provides medication for sick children and their families. Save the Children is closely involved in the research and development of these medicines: With a seat on GSK's research and development committee, we can contribute our expertise in children's rights. This means that the child rights perspective can be taken into account and firmly anchored in the development of new medicines.
Employee Engagement
Another key strength of our partnership with GSK is the commitment of its employees worldwide. GSK employees collect donations worldwide through various fundraising campaigns. The company then doubles the amount raised for Save the Children.
As part of the in-house volunteer program "PULSE", GSK employees also have the opportunity to be released from their regular work for several months in order to become active on site in a Save the Children project.
As part of the in-house volunteer program "PULSE", GSK employees also have the opportunity to be released from their regular work for several months in order to become active on site in a Save the Children project.
Together for children in need