34% of cities worldwide do not engage civil society in any consultations when developing their urban agendas and city planning,
Cities for Children and Youth – A Platform
To work towards better cities for children and youth, especially the most marginalized.
Our Program Approach & Methods
The cities for children and youth platform has three main pillars:
Partnerships for impact
Partnerships to coordinate and build on different organization’s strengths are key to achieving impact in urban contexts where there are many actors, often with overlapping responsibilities and structures.
We build partnerships on the global and on the city and municipality level. On the global level we have co-founded and coordinate a multi-stakeholder network with different partners working towards better urban areas for children and youth. This network’s members include NGOs, UN agencies, academic institutions, the private sector, city networks, technical experts and other stakeholders. This network facilitates cross organizational learning, joint advocacy, joint projects and knowledge. To learn more visit: the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children
Advocacy and communications
Advocacy and communications efforts aim to amplify the voices of children and youth living in cities, this raises awareness and develops an understanding on issues faced by children and youth.
Projects for the most marginalized children in cities
Projects for most marginalized children and youth living in cities are implemented in collaboration with local partners, take the views and concerns of children seriously and are based on best practices.
Global organizations working in urban areas acknowledge that collaboration would greatly increase the impact of our work, and that more collaboration is needed.